Sending Artwork

Any artwork that you supply to us will be sent to us by email. When sending artwork please compress your files into a .ZIP file.

Artwork Standards

Vector Artwork

Vector Artwork the first of two forms of
art used by computers. A vector image is
made of shapes, curves, lines, and paths.
Vector artwork is a computer generated
format which means it does not rely
on resolution.

Raster Artwork

Raster Artwork is the second of the two
forms of art used by computers. A raster
image is made of "pixels" which means
it is resolution dependant. Resolution is
the term for pixel density or
DPI (Dots Per Inch) . Therefore
the higher the DPI, the more detailed the
image will be. Any raster
artwork sent should be at least 150 DPI
or higher at normal size.

Acceptable Artwork - Vector

Please convert of text to curves or outlines before sending.

Accepting Artwork - Raster

Please provide artwork that is at least 150 DPI.